Common Concerns and Best Practices When Working with Clients in Grief

Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Time: 4:45pm - 7:00pm
Location: Virtual
Speaker: Christopher Dale, CFP®

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Speaker topic

Grief is a powerful emotion.  Communicating with someone in grief is an art and a skill.  We struggle with what to say and how to say it.  Like many, Chris has experienced grief first-hand.  He used his own experiences as a springboard to understand better what people in grief need and want from others.  In this presentation, you will learn about different grieving styles, and best practices to communicate with a grieving client, or anyone in grief who you care about.  You will grow your own capacity to communicate and support someone in grief.

Chris’s presentation will cover:

  • Distinguishing a grieving client's style of grief and different types of grief.
  • How to communicate with a client in grief
  • Gaining a general understanding of a client in grief.
  • How to support a grieving client through understanding stages of grief, grief triggers and certain protocols.

​Speaker biography

Christopher is the president of his own registered investment advisory firm that solely focuses on “Helping Those in Grief Navigate Financial Matters.”

Due to the unique nature of Christopher’s advisory practice, many advisors have asked for his guidance with their grieving clients. The consistency of advisors seeking direction has given rise to his consulting practice called Life After Grief Consulting™.

See Chris's complete bio attached.

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